“Lim Cheng Hoe (1912–1979) was the leading watercolour artist of his generation and one of the founders of the Singapore Watercolour Society. Largely self-taught, he studied painting under the then-art inspector of schools, Richard Walker, and honed his skills in the 1950s and 1970s by practicing and interacting with fellow artists during outdoor painting sessions.”(官網介紹原文)
“Beginning with the early days of his practice in the 1930s, this exhibition features over 60 artworks, sketches and archival materials that highlight Lim’s mastery of outdoor watercolour landscape painting.”(官網介紹原文)
展覽大致分成鄉土(My Land)、江南(Jiangnan)、畫途(The Journey)、樹非樹(Beyond the Image)、夕照人體(Nudes in Twilight)、古韶新腔(New Rhythms of Tradition)以及生命風景(Landscape of Life)這幾個主題。
Congrats to our client Kang Peng, an emerging art critic in Taiwan, whose thesis will be featured at the First International Conference on Cultural Accessibility and Social Inclusion (2019) organised by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Peng commissioned us to translate his thesis (from Chinse to English) in June 2019.
In this thesis, Peng explores artist Hou Chun-Ming’s work, Body Images, and dissects Hou’s approaches to creatively presenting gays’ life stories.
If you want to translate your artist statement, curatorial statement, and etc. from English to Chinese or vice versa, feel free to contact us at ryeryelin@gmail.com
本次展覽「偶然與巧合」(Chance and Coincidence),透過當代藝術作品之間的對話,讓各式各樣的藝術能量穿行於繪畫與攝影、行為表演、物件與空間裝置之間。藉著展場中相鄰作品間產生的視覺相似性,進而提供觀者一個「辯證」的現場,同時佐以藝術家創作發展脈絡為參照,針對作品間的差異性、滲透性和歧義性,提出討論與思索的可能,希冀經由思辯個別作品的內容、造形、對象的異同,進而體現藝術教育中近似且罕見的遊戲過程,藉以回應本屆兒童藝術教育雙年展主題「活實驗-遊戲中的風景」。
展名借鑒于法國電影片名《偶然與巧合》(Hasards ou coïncidences),導演克勞德・勞路許(Claude Lelouche)執導的電影中,巧妙地呈現生命中的際遇,因為選擇及注定互為交織後的因素而微動漣漪,探究箇中原因,究竟是毅然決然的執念?還是不可逆轉的命運驅使?而過程中的境遇是「偶然」或「巧合」,亦或是「偶然與巧合」的加總促成⋯⋯。(-策展人王弘志 WANG Hung-Chih)
參展藝術家: 張魯平 LP CHANG 陳曉朋 Shiau-Peng CHEN 陳怡潔 Yi-Chieh CHEN 陳宇如 Yu-Ju CHEN 江蕎勤 Chiao-Chin CHIANG 迪娜・戈德斯坦 Dina GOLDSTEIN 何孟娟 Isa HO 李明學 Ming-Hsueh LEE 朴昶緖 Chang-Seo PARK 宮田知子 Tomoko SAUVAGE 宋珍喜 Jin-Hee SONG 王董碩 Tung-Shuo WANG 吳東龍 Tung-Lung WU
那是那段時間裡最美麗的環境,品味極佳的老闆在三樓擺了好大一張木桌,木製的大長凳坐起來也好舒服,那是我最喜歡的工作角落。隔間外面是招待藏家或者藝術家的沙發區,牆上掛著自家藝術家的新作,和主展場策展概念不相符的作品也會擺上三樓,邀請熟識的藏家或藝術家上來欣賞。喜愛廚房家電的老闆 L 新添購的仿手沖咖啡機也剛剛送達,加上原本就有的膠囊咖啡機,擺滿水果、點心的金屬籃,滿櫃的漂亮杯盤和馬克杯,大概沒有比這裡更放鬆的工作環境了吧。
平常正職同事都會坐在一樓工作、顧展,老闆 L 除了帶小孩,也常和老闆 C 跑外務,負責策展的老闆 M 長時間待在國外(所以才找我當她的助理)……三樓的空間像我一人獨有一樣無拘無束。
If there is any chance your dog or cat may visit a group 3 (TW, HK) or a non-approved countrywe recommend they have a rabies vaccination and rabies neutralising antibody titre (RNAT) test before leaving Australia. This will ensure they can return to Australia in the shortest possible time. Rabies vaccinations last between one and three years and you will need to check this validity with your veterinarian. / Please note that you will need to maintain valid rabies vaccinations and RNAT tests for the entire time your dog or cat is overseas. If you don’t do this, your animal will have to meet the mandatory 180 day waiting period overseas following an RNAT test if they have visited any group 3 or non-approved countries. / http://www.agriculture.gov.au/cats-dogs/cats-dogs-returning-to-australia
The Export Control Act requires that the NOI and any other supporting documentation is received at least 10 days before the scheduled date of departure.
→ 搭機前三天內才能去體檢,要順便請獸醫填寫進口國的動物健康證明(Animal health certificate),體檢過程很快,體檢費用 $82。
As the registered veterinarian preparing companion animals for export, you should conduct a final health and welfare inspection of the animal within 72 hours of the animal’s departure from Australia. Information Pack published by Australian Government
The day prior to your pet’s travel, bring it to the Qantas Freight international terminal after your final vet and/or DAWR appointments. You’ll need to bring photo identification, your pet’s crate, export documents, and means of payment, assuming all requirements have been met.
1、AF240 特別許可證申請表(上面有圖例)
3、手續費 HK$100
In most cases your pet will need to be ‘cleared’ by a local vet on arrival.
接下來我的工作是要大概了解一下什麼是「弦理論」。從這部影片當中可以了解,科學家認為只要能將重力(gravity)、量子物理學(quantum physics)、標準模型(standard model)結合,就能得到萬有理論(the theory of everything),而弦理論曾被認為是「最有可能成為萬有理論」的理論,但最後因為弦理論需要以十維的角度來解釋,科學家只能從模型宇宙(model universe)來計算弦理論,無法以實際的實驗來驗證其內容,所以最終弦理論並未成為萬有理論。但即便如此,弦理論仍能有效解釋物理學中的某些現象,並且幫助物理學家探討數學的更多層面。